Ny single fra Simon Lynge: Age of Destraction

Nu udkommer den nye single “Age Of Distraction” med Simon Lynge i et tæt samarbejde med engelske Integrity Records.

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Simon er i fuld gang med genoptræningen efter sin ulykke i juni og spiller nogle danske koncerter i september:

12.9 Det Grønlandske Hus KBH – Kalaallit Illuutaat (duo)
13.9 Godset (band)
14.9 Privat Show (duo)
15.9 Tobaksgaarden – Kulturhuset i Assens (band)

Her er par ord fra Integrity Records i anledning af udgivelsen:

‘Age of Distraction’, the first single from the brand new album by Simon Lynge, is out world-wide on
7 th September via Integrity Records/Songcrafter Music.

‘Deep Snow’, the fourth album by the Greenlandic-Scandinavian singer-songwriter, will be released
on 23 rd November. Recorded in a secluded cottage in the green hills of Wales and in the eclectic
atmosphere of Narcissus Studios in London, the album is a collaboration with long-time friend and
musical partner, Richard Lobb.

Having spent his early years as a shepherd boy in the Greenland tundra, nature and life’s fragility are
never far from Simon’s lyrics. Of ‘Age of Distraction’ he says:

“I just wanted to acknowledge the underlying anxiety of existence in this age and the longing
for connection that I believe is so pervasive in modern humans. We have instant access to
information, but our knowledge of the source of a meaningful life is at an all-time low. We
look out of our eyes and forget to observe with our heart.”