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The new single by Ida Wenøe is the second to be taken from the Danish artist’s third studio album ‘Undersea’, coming via Songcrafter Music on 6th October 2023 (digital/vinyl).
Written and recorded in two weary old summer houses on the North Sea coast of Jutland, the new songs see Ida return to the hushed, simple intimacy of her acclaimed debut LP ‘Time of Ghosts’, with nature, wild water and the range of human emotion lyrically centre stage, and the sounds of the trees, ocean, birds and stormy weather all making cameo appearances.
Ida offers ‘Don’t You Grow Weary’ as a song for us all when life becomes tiresome:
“This was a cathartic song for me to write. I had all the songs I needed for the album and went for a final trip to the coast to record the last bits and pieces. Sitting there, looking at the sea from my little cottage sanctuary, it occurred to me that the ocean and surrounding nature had been my faithful companions through the whole process: shaking me up when I needed it; bringing wordless poetry from all corners of the world to my humble little corner,” she explains and the continues:
This environment had been comforting me when the feeling of meaninglessness was sneaking up on me, blowing me over and away, but always reminding me there’s something bigger than me out there, something completely beyond my control. I’d like the song to remind us to look outwards instead of inwards. Out there on the horizon there’s something bigger than us, forcing us to humble ourselves. That humbling feeling is healthy, I think, and can even be healing.”

LISTEN TO THE NEW SINGLE HERE: https://song-crafter.lnk.to/weary
The album was produced by Ida, mixed by Dennis Ahlgren (Tina Dico, Teitur) and mastered by Icelandic sound wizard Sigurðór Guðmundsson. Ida’s personal take on contemporary folk-noir blends beautifully with more traditional influences, augmented with the personality of recorded contributions from Scottish-born musicians Hal Parfitt-Murray (strings) and Samantha Whates (flute, backing vocals).
More at: www.idawenoe.com
Tracks from previous albums ‘Time of Ghosts’ (2015) and ‘The Things We Don’t Know Yet’ (2019) enjoyed support on BBC 6 Music, BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio Ulster, Amazing Radio, BBC Wales & BBC Scotland, significant airplay on Danish national stations and international radio including Seattle’s super-cool KEXP. Ida won a coveted Danish Music Award for Roots Artist of the Year in 2021.
Med “Don’t you grow weary” tager Wenøe endnu et skridt frem mod udgivelsen af sin tredje soloplade “Undersea”, der udkommer på Songcrafter Music den 6. oktober.
Hun beskriver, at der var noget forløsende ved at skrive “Don’t You Grow Weary”. Sangen kom til, efter hun egentlig havde de sange, der skulle bruges til den nye albummet, og hun havde taget en sidste tur ud til havet for at indspille, hvad der manglede.
“Der gik det op for mig, at min kære følgesvend havet – og naturen omkring det – har båret mig gennem hele processen. Havet har rusket i mig, når jeg havde brug for det, og det har båret poesien fra alle verdenshjørner mod mit eget lille ydmyge hjørne ved Vesterhavet. Trøstet mig når meningsløsheden har hevet mig i buksebenet, blæst mig omkuld og mindet mig om, at der er noget der er større, jeg hverken kan eller skal styre,” fortæller Ida om den nye single og fortsætter:
“Don’t You Grow Weary” er en sang til os alle, når livet udmatter os. Den er en påmindelse om at kigge ud i stedet for ind, specielt når det inden i os går i hårdknude og ikke vil løse sig. Ude i horisonten findes der noget større, og måske skal vi ikke være så bange for at føle os små. Jeg tror det er en sund følelse, måske endda helende.”

LYT TIL DEN NYE SINGLE HER: https://song-crafter.lnk.to/weary
“Undersea” blev skabt med bare to mikrofoner og alle de instrumenter, Ida kunne få plads til i sin gamle bil. Optagelserne emmer af stilfærdigt nærvær og solidt håndværk, og lyden af havets brusen og den silende regn på ruden har fundet vej ind i musikken og understreger sammenhængen mellem sangene og den natur de er skabt i.
På den nye plade har Ida Wenøe omfavnet en mere akustisk og ren folk-lyd, men stadig med den kraft og kant i sangskrivning og tekster, som er blevet hendes varemærke.
Hun har selv skrevet, indspillet og produceret “Undersea” med smukke instrumentelle bidrag på violin og mandolin fra Hal Parfitt-Murray og Samantha Whates på tværfløjte og harmonier. Dennis Ahlgren har mixet, og islandske Sigurðór Guðmundsson har mastereret.
Følg med her: www.idawenoe.com
Ida Wenøes to forrige plader “Time of Ghosts” (2015) og “The Things We Don’t Know Yet” (2019) fik international anerkendelse og airplay på bla. BBC 6 Music, KEXP, Amazing Radio og DR, og hun har spillet hundredevis af koncerter over hele Europa og Nordamerika. I 2021 vandt hun en Danish Music Award som “Roots Artist of the Year”.